Introduction to Ratio - Year 6 Interactive Maths Lesson with Self-marking Activities
In this lesson, learners are able to solve problems involving the relative sizes of 2 quantities where missing values can be found by using integer multiplication and division facts. They are able to solve problems involving similar shapes where the scale factor is known or can be found and those involving unequal sharing and grouping.
The amazing digital maths lesson with differentiated activities can be used for whole-class teaching and for homeschooling.
There are lots of differentiated drag-and-drop activities with instant feedback.
Contains 42 interactive pages
Understand and calculate with index notation, revise how to multiply and divide indices, as well as apply negative and fractional rules of indices with this amazing interactive maths lesson. Lots of differentiated questions will give your GCSE learners ample opportunities to practice their skills on the laws of indices and practice solving equations involving indices.
If you are looking to revise the rules of indices or you are searching for indices rules revision questions and worksheets, buy these fun-packed Indices and the uses of indices for GCSE algebra maths revision and save hours of lesson planning time!
The lesson can be used as whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
There are lots of differentiated drag and drop activities with instant feedback.
In this lesson, learners are able to count in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and in tens from any number, forward or backward.
Lesson can be used as whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
Lots of drag and drop activity with instant feedback.
Contains 32 Interactive pages.
Other Year 2 Lessons:
Addition and Subtractions
3D Shapes
Block Diagrams
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This completely interactive Digital Home Learning Pack contains all the Year 3 programme of study directly mapped to the British National Curriculum and is designed for learners from ages 7 to 8.
Lesson can be used as whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
What is in this pack:
2-D Shapes
3-D Shapes
Addition and Subtractions
Interpreting and Presenting Data
Perimeter of 2D shapes
Equivalent Fractions
Year 3 Number and place Value
Year 3 Statistics: Tables, Charts and Pictogram
Identifying types of lines
Telling Time
Units of Time
A.M and P.M.
Tons of Printable Worksheets and Lots More…
Opening Instruction is included in each individual lessons.
Negative and Fractional Indices - Interactive Maths Lesson and Activities for GCSE
Understand and calculate with index notation, revise how to multiply and divide indices, as well as apply negative and fractional rules of indices with this amazing interactive maths lesson. Lots of differentiated questions will give your GCSE learners ample opportunities to practice their skills on the laws of indices and practice solving equations involving indices.
If you are looking to revise the rules of indices or you are searching for indices rules revision questions and worksheets, buy these fun-packed Indices and the uses of indices for GCSE algebra maths revision and save hours of lesson planning time!
This amazing resource includes 2 lessons with over 70 interactive slides and can be used as whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
Interior and Exterior Angles of Polygons is a completely interactive lesson for KS3 learners.
In this set of interactive maths lessons and activities, learners will recap angle facts, and calculate the interior and exterior angles of a polygon. They will be able to derive and use the sum of angles in a triangle and use it to deduce the angle sum in any polygon and derive the properties of regular and irregular polygons.
This interactive polygons unit can be used for whole-class teaching by teachers and at home by learners, with lots of drag-and-drop activities as well as instant learner feedback.
Contains 38 interactive pages
In this lesson, learners are able to recognise reflective symmetry.
Lesson can be used as whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
There are lots of drag and drop activities with instant feedback.
To access the resource, unzip the files.
Open the index.html file.
The lesson can also be viewed offline.
Contains 24 Interactive pages
Teach your year 4 class how to Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts.
This amazing Symmetry is a completely interactive lesson with lots of differentiated activities. This lesson is designed for learners in year 4.
In this lesson, learners will be able to identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes presented in different orientations.
They will also be able to complete a simple symmetric figure with respect to a specific line of symmetry
The lesson can be used as whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
There are lots of drag-and-drop activities with instant feedback.
Contains 33 Interactive pages
In this lesson, learners will be able to describe translations as 2D vectors. They will be able to apply addition and subtraction of vectors, multiplication of vectors by a scalar, and diagrammatic and column representations of vectors; {use vectors to construct geometric arguments and proofs}
Lesson can be used as whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
Lots of drag and drop activity with instant feedback.
Contains 56 interactive pages and pdf worksheet included.
If you have any issues or would like to get in touch, please email us at
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This is a Key Stage 3 Maths Lesson for Year 7 on conversion graphs. In this lesson, learners will be able to plot and interpret graphs from real life data. They will also be able to calculate currency exchange using conversion graphs.
Lesson can be used as whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
Lots of drag and drop activities with instant feedback.
To open this lesson you need to unzip or extract the files.
Choose index.html to view online
This lesson is also available offline.
This is an interactive maths lesson on calculating averages. In this lesson, learners will be able to calculate measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode).
and understand the interpretation and applicability of these measures. They will be able to apply the appropriate use of measures to compare data.
Teachers can use the lesson for whole-class teaching and learners can also use it at home.
There are lots of drag and drop activities on calculating averages as well as instant feedback.
The lesson contains 42 interactive pages.
An 8-page worksheet also included with answers.
To use this resource offline you need to unzip or extract the files.
Open the index.html file only!
This lesson is a completely interactive lesson and activities on Circles for year 6 learners.
In this lesson, learners will be able to identify different parts of a circle, including:
radius; diameter; sector; segment; circumference; arc etc.
They will also be able to use their knowledge to answer questions relating to these parts.
This lesson follows the National curriculum requirement for year 6 mathematics.
Teachers can use the lesson for whole class teaching and learners can also use it at home.
There are lots of drag and drop activities on parts of a circle with instant learner feedback.
The lesson contains 30 interactive pages as well as lots of differentiated activities.
If you have any issues or would like to get in touch, please email me at
Please leave a review if you find my resources helpful and be sure to follow me if you wish to be kept up to date when I upload new and exciting resources.
Thank you.
Pythagoras Theorem - 1-9 GCSE revision, exam style questions and solutions.
In this lesson, learners will know and use the formulae for Pythagoras' theorem, and apply it to find lengths in right-angled triangles.
Lesson can be used as whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
Lots of drag and drop activities and exam questions on Pythagoras theorem with instant feedback.
Contains 44 interactive pages.
To open this lesson you need to unzip or extract the files.
Choose index.html to view online.
This lesson can also be viewed offline.
If you have any issues or would like to get in touch, please email us at
Please leave a review if you find our resources helpful and be sure to follow us if you wish to be kept up to date with when we upload new and exciting resources.
Thank you.
Save hours of lesson planning with this amazing interactive geometry bundle packed with engaging self-marking activities. This pack contains all year 1 programme of study directly mapped to the British national curriculum for learners from ages 5 to 6 on all aspect of geometry work, including properties of shapes and position and direction
The lessons and self-marking activities can be used for whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
The lessons and self-marking activities can be used for whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners. With lots of drag-and-drop and differentiated self-marking activities that is sure to fully engage your learners.
What is included:
2D shapes
3D shapes
Directional language
Locating position on a grid.
In this lesson, learners will be able to calculate, estimate and compare volume of cubes and cuboids using standard units, including cubic centimetres (cm³) and cubic metres (m³), and extending to other units [for example, mm³ and km³].
In this lesson, learners will know and use the formulae for Pythagoras' theorem, and apply it to find lengths in right-angled triangles.
Lesson can be used as whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
Lots of drag and drop activities with instant feedback.
Contains 44 interactive pages.
To open this lesson you need to unzip or extract the files.
Choose index.html to view online.
This lesson can also be viewed offline.
If you have any issues or would like to get in touch, please email us at
Please leave a review if you find our resources helpful and be sure to follow us if you wish to be kept up to date with when we upload new and exciting resources.
Thank you.
Coordinates is a complete interactive lesson designed for year 6 learners. In this lesson, learners are able to read and write:
coordinates in the first quadrant
coordinates in all four quadrants
read and plot specified points.
Lesson can be used as whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
There are lots of drag and drop activities and differentiated questions as well as instant learner feedback.
Contains 44 interactive pages
To open this lesson you need to unzip or extract the files.
Choose index.html to view online
You can also view this lesson offline.
If you have any issues or would like to get in touch, please email me at:
Please leave a review if you find my resources helpful and be sure to follow me if you wish to be kept up to date with when I upload new and exciting resources.
Thank you.
In this lesson, learners will know and use the formulae for Pythagoras' theorem, and apply it to find lengths in right-angled triangles.
Lesson can be used as whole class teaching by teachers and at home by learners.
Lots of drag and drop activities with instant feedback.
To open this lesson you need to unzip or extract the files.
Choose index.html to view online
This lesson is also available offline.
Contains 44 interactive pages
Rounding to Significant Figures is a completely interactive digital resource that will teach your GCSE learners how to apply and interpret limits of accuracy when rounding or truncating;
In this fun-packed 36 pages lesson with differentiated activities, your GCSE learners will be able to round numbers to any given number of significant figures; and estimate answers by rounding to the appropriate degree of accuracy
This digital resource can be used for whole-class teaching by teachers and used to consolidate learning at home by learners.
With lots of drag and drop activities for independent work, this maths resource provides a lot of assessment opportunities as well as providing learners with instant feedback.
To open this lesson you need to unzip or extract the files.
Choose index.html to view online
This digital resource can also be used offline.
If you have any issues or would like to get in touch, please email us at:
**Other related resources:**
[Locus of a Point](
[Conditional Probability - Venn diagrams](
[Surface areas and volumes](
[Solving Quadratic Equations](
[Area of a Sector - Circle Geometry](
[Mid-point of a Line Segment](
[Volume and Surface Area](
Factors and Multiples is a completely interactive lesson that will teach your GCSE class how to use the concepts and vocabulary of factors (or divisors), multiples, common factors, common multiples, highest common factor, lowest common multiple and including using product notation.
Teachers can use the lesson for whole class teaching and learners can also use it at home.
There are lots of drag and drop activities and differentiated questions as well as instant learner feedback.
To open this lesson you need to unzip or extract the files.
Choose index.html to view online
This lesson is also available offline.
Contains 38 Interactive pages